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Brain Tumor Treatment for Patients in Suffolk County, Long Island

A brain tumor is a mass in the brain caused by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. Brain tumors can be put into 2 main categories- primary and secondary. Primary brain tumors are tumors that arise from other brain cells. Secondary brain tumors come from cancer of another organ and spread to the brain. Primary brain tumors can be benign or cancerous. They grow slowly and rarely spread. If the tumor grows quickly, involving vital areas of the brain, it can be life-threatening. A malignant (cancerous) brain tumor grows quickly and spreads to other parts of the brain. Despite the type of tumor, all are life-threatening.

A doctor is explaining the Brain Tumor Surgery Treatment to an elderly in Long Island.

Who Is at Risk?

The cause of a brain tumor is unknown. However, we do know that people who have the following are more likely at risk:

  • Cancer in the lung, breast, colon, or prostate.
  • Exposure to harmful pesticides & chemicals.
  • Exposure to radiation.
  • Inherited diseases like neurofibromatosis.
Woman jogging in the park after her Brain Tumor treatment at Dr. Salvatore Palumbo in Long Island.

Symptoms of a Brain Tumor

Symptoms include:

  • Headaches that worsen in the morning
  • Dizziness or difficulty walking
  • Seizures
  • Speech problems
  • Vision problems
  • Weakness on one side of the body

The type of tumor, size, and location will determine the best treatment option. Recent advances in surgical techniques have allowed surgeons to precisely locate the tumor and remove it without harming any other area of the brain. Radiation treatment is often used in combination with chemotherapy to prevent the tumor to further spread.

Schedule a Consultation Today

Call Dr. Salvatore Palumbo MD PC today to schedule a consultation. Our team is dedicated to providing our patients relief so that they can get back to living their life.

Long Island’s Top Neurosurgeon