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Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Suffolk County

The Carpal Tunnel is a small, narrow space surrounded by bones and is located on the palmar aspect of the wrist. When pressure is placed on the median nerve, a major part of the carpal tunnel, pain and numbness will occur. The pressure on the nerve is caused by swelling of the bones and ligaments. Other causes can be rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, menopause and thyroid disorders.

Those who have an occupation that requires them to use a keyword for long hours during the day, or those who use forceful and awkward hand/wrist movements like chippers and chainsaws.

A woman holding her forearm suffering from Carpal Tunnel in Long Island

Common Symptoms

The most common symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome are:

  • Aching pain in your wrist that can extend to the palm side of the hand.
  • Numbing or tingling in the hands and fingers.
  • Pain worsens at night.

Call Dr. Palumbo today to schedule a consultation. Dr. Salvatore Palumbo is dedicated to providing our patient’s relief so that they can get back to living their life comfortably.

Long Island’s Top Neurosurgeon