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Sciatica Treatment in Suffolk County, Long Island

Sciatica is a common culprit when you have mysterious, frustrating back and leg pain. Dr. Palumbo is a board-certified and nationally-recognized neurosurgeon who has a compassionate bedside manner and impeccable credentials.

Image of a happy woman after getting her Sciatica Treated at Dr. Salvatore Palumbo in Long Island

How to Tell When Your Back Pain Is Sciatica

Sciatica is a condition resulting in pain in the lower back that shoots down the backside of the leg. It is a painful condition with a complex set of causes. For instance, sciatica is typically a symptom of an underlying condition, such as degenerative disk disease, a herniated disk, or spinal stenosis. Understanding when to call a specialist requires patients to acknowledge the pain they’re feeling may be related to sciatica. Common symptoms of sciatica include:

  • Chronic pain worsens when you sit
  • Burning and tingling sensations in either or both legs
  • Loss of leg mobility
  • Weak or numb legs and feet

Risk Factors of Sciatica

You may be asking yourself who is at risk for sciatica? Dr. Palumbo regularly sees patients suffering from this condition. However, the risk factors surrounding it are as diverse as the patients he sees. Sciatica is caused by a wide range of things, including:


As we age, our spines change. As the shape of the spine fluctuates, we’re at risk to develop herniated disks and bone spurs, and those two conditions are the most frequent causes of sciatica.


Obesity places more weight on your spine than it can handle. As time passes, this excess weight can reshape your spine, causing the same conditions brought on by aging herniated disks and bone spurs.

Sedentary Lifestyles

Sitting for prolonged periods does carry risks with it. Office workers are more likely to develop sciatica due to the way they sit in their chairs than workers who have active positions. One way to avoid sciatica is to take regular walks or take advantage of a standing desk if your employer offers it.


One of the unfortunate byproducts of diabetes is increased nerve damage. If you have diabetes and you’re experiencing the indicators of sciatica, visit our office in Suffolk County.

Prevent Sciatica With These Simple Exercises

Fortunately, sciatica isn’t necessarily caused by genetics. Meaning, you can prevent the condition from striking. While Dr. Palumbo is a neurosurgeon who uses surgical treatment to resolve sciatica, he still wants patients to avoid sciatica altogether. If you fall into any of the risk factor categories listed above, then three simple lifestyle changes will go a long way towards averting sciatica.

We Can Perform Surgery to Remove the Cause of Sciatica

Surgery is a last resort. However, if you need it, then you’ve come to the right place. Dr. Palumbo has years of experience performing surgeries for patients whose sciatica has caused constant and agonizing pain, loss of bowel or bladder control, and weakness. If physical therapy and other methods fail, Dr. Salvatore Palumbo can remove the bone spur, herniated disc, or other elements that are causing the problem. Contact us today to make an appointment.

Long Island’s Top Neurosurgeon