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Treatment for Spinal Tumors in Suffolk County, Long Island

Spinal Tumors that begin in the spine are called primary tumors. They can originate in the bones, nerves and other tissues that make up the spine. They can be benign or cancerous, and can grow lowly or aggressively. The majority of spinal tumors spread from cancer in a different part of the body. These tumors are known as metastatic tumors.

Extramedullary tumors are tumors that grow inside of the spinal cord but outside of the nerves vs. intramedullary tumors that grow inside of the spinal cord and arise from cells that provide support for the nervous system.

In women, spinal tumors most frequently spread from cancer that begins in the breast or lung. In men, they usually originate in the prostate or the lung.

A couple jogging together after getting Spinal Tumors Treatment on Long Island

Symptoms of Spinal Tumors

As a spine tumor grows, it can result in compression fractures or reduced blood supply to the spinal cord. Some symptoms include:

  • Spine pain that is worse in the morning.
  • Back pain along with loss of appetite, nausea, fever and chills.
  • Neck pain or back pain followed by weakness of the arms or legs.
  • Pain in the neck or back followed by a change in normal bowel or bladder habits.

If a spinal tumor originates from another organ the main goals are to control the pain by removing pressure on the nerve roots, preserve neurological function by removing pressure on the spine, or fix structural instability. We are able to do with a spinal fusion.

Contact Us for a Consultation

Most spinal tumors are usually surgically removed, and because the spine is highly sensitive, it is important to consult with a board-certified neurosurgeon.

For all questions concerning Spine Tumors, please call us or schedule an appointment today.

Long Island’s Top Neurosurgeon